
We have developed this privacy policy so that you may feel confident about the security of your personal information.

Countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) are required to have a similar standard of protection of personal data. This is not always the case outside that area. We do sometimes transfer data outside the EEA and before doing so take steps to ensure that there is adequate protection, as required by relevant Data Protection legislation.

Use of Personal Information
You may need to register to access our website or for certain services, however, if you do not register then your personal information will not be collected by us.

If you register for our services, any details you provide may be stored for use on future visits, as we do not want you to give us any information more than once. The details you give us may be combined with information about your use of the Leopold Square website(s) and information from our other records in order to provide you with online services you request.

Email addresses
We respect the privacy of personal email accounts and we store your email addresses just as securely as other personal information. We will not send you unwanted email messages or junk mail, and your details will not be passed to any organisation outside the Group for marketing purposes without your explicit permission.

However, we may use email in response to enquiries you make about our services or service issues.

Disclosure of information
We take all reasonable care to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal data.  

We sometimes use other companies to provide some of our services or to provide services to us.  To enable them to do this, we may need to let them process your personal information. Our staff and those working for our agents or contractors have a responsibility to keep your information confidential and are only allowed to use it to offer products and services on our behalf.

Right of access to your information
If you want to know exactly what personal information Leopold Square holds on you, you can obtain it. If it transpires that the information held is inaccurate, we will make the necessary amendments and confirm to you that these have been made. Please write to the Data Protection Officer at Leopold Square.

How we protect your data
Our email enquiry forms are not sent via an encrypted channel and for this reason we ask that you do not include confidential information when using them (such as bank account details).

Use of Cookies

Cookies – we may work with third parties to research certain usage and activities on our website. No personal information about you is shared, however, in the course of conducting this research these third parties may place a unique "cookie" on your browser.

A cookie is a small file which is sent to your browser and stored on your computer's hard disc and helps websites to understand and track your use of the site and where it can improve the information and services provided.  Websites use cookies solely to gather information on IP addresses, to analyse trends, administer the site, track user's movements on the site and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses are not linked to other personally identifiable information and will not be used to deliver targeted marketing messages. For information about blocking the use of cookies, please refer to the instructions/help screen on your internet browser. Please note that you may not be able to use or access certain parts of the site or online services if you block the use of cookies.

Changes - As a result of improvements we make to our services, amendments to laws or regulation or developments in the technology or processes we use, we may change the information we hold about you and/or the way in which or the purposes for which we process such information. Where we require your consent to such change we will notify you of the change. However, unless you inform us otherwise, we will deem your continued use of products and services to which the change relates to constitute your consent to the relevant change.

Please help us - We wish our service to meet your expectations on all occasions. To do so we need the information we hold about you to be accurate and up to date wherever possible. 

This privacy policy supplements, but does not supercede, any data protection notice that has previously been provided to you.

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